There have been a few Reddit threads about ChatGPT being nerfed with guardrails and legalese:

From u/SniperDuty:

From u/SniperDuty:

The general feedback that other people give those who are complaining is that you need to use clever prompt workarounds to get ChatGPT to act “like it used to” before its engineers started to worry about whether their efforts were making the world a worse place or not.

That’s all well and good. I’m interested in how this functions reciprocally. Like, if you provide a prompt that it is comfortable with and it responds, and then add information down the road that changes the nature of the prompt to something it would be less comfortable responding to, how does it handle that?

In the past (Sample 9) ChatGPT 3.5 had some trouble remembering what it had just written for me. But this is the future and ChatGPT 4 is bought and paid for (this month).

Prompt: Can you write an email to my math professor, Dr. Henry Dehnen, asking for an extension on the take-home midterm? I am sick with the flu.

Subject: Request for Extension on Take-Home Midterm Due to Illness

Dear Dr. Dehnen,

I hope this email finds you in good health. My name is [Your Name], and I am a student in your [Course Title] class. I am writing to request an extension for the take-home midterm, as I have unfortunately come down with the flu and am unable to complete the exam by the current deadline.

Over the past few days, I have been experiencing severe flu symptoms, including fever, body aches, and fatigue. This has made it extremely difficult for me to concentrate on the complex problems and concepts required for the midterm. While I have been trying my best to work on the exam, I am concerned that my current condition is compromising the quality of my work, and I am struggling to complete the exam by the deadline.

I have already consulted with a healthcare professional, and they have advised me to rest and recover for the next few days. In light of my current health situation, I kindly request an extension on the take-home midterm to allow me to recover from my illness and submit a well-thought-out, complete exam that reflects my understanding of the course material.

I understand that extensions are granted at your discretion and that there might be some conditions or penalties associated with late submissions. I am prepared to accept any conditions you deem necessary, and I would be grateful for any additional time you could grant me to complete the exam.

Please let me know if you need any further information or documentation, such as a doctor's note, to support my request. I genuinely appreciate your understanding and consideration of my situation.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response.


[Your Name] [Course Title] [Student ID]

Prompt: But I haven't talked with a doctor yet. Can you rewrite the email to reflect that.

Subject: Request for Extension on Take-Home Midterm Due to Illness

Dear Dr. Dehnen,